Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Or is it a welcome for me? I don't know.

At any rate, I'm hardly new to the blogging scene. I just thought I should warn you now. For about three seasons, I worked with a friend of mine on an Islanders blog called NYIslesScene- I don't know if you've read it, but it's fine if you haven't. We seriously haven't updated in an eon, due to circumstances both in and beyond our own control.

See, everything was fine up until I moved with my family from New York City to the Buffalo area, clear across the state. I went from watching every game on MSG+ to being completely isolated from my team, the same one I'd followed for the past six years. And before discovering the gem that is NHL Gamecenter Live, I'd resigned myself to watching NHL Network highlights and checking out the Isles' website, digging for day-old news when I wasn't taking two-hour bus rides to school or working my part-time job.

This doesn't sound like a tragedy, of course, but when you're a hockey addict, it's akin to having your binky forced from you as a child.

Now, though, things will be different. The Islanders may well be four years away from a new home, possibly not in Nassau County anymore, and if they DO end up under a new name (not likely........), I intend on catching every bit of the action that I can. Hence, this blog was born. It will chronicle my progress through the upcoming season and beyond, and it'll include a bit of personal stuff, my opinions on things throughout the league and of course, any and every live game I end up going to (and hopefully there will be a couple of them). Of course, work and school may throw a wrench into things, but if I intend to pay the $20 a month to get Gamecenter Live, I'm fully prepared to deal with that. ;)

So, whether you've tripped upon my blog by accident or you've decided to join me for the ride, I hope you enjoy Bad Angles. :)

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